Shipping and return policies for Guns of Brighton

Shipping Info
We try to be responsive and ship goods within 12-36 hours of payment by PayPal. Please email us soon after your purchase here at if you should need any special shipping arrangements for your merchandise, and we will be in touch. If you are buying from outside of the US, and/or are interested in any bulk purchases, please email us before and let us know how we can help you there, too, as we, again, are oh so reasonable! We use Facebook to keep up with fans. Sending us an email best allows us to prioritize meeting your need. Be as specific about your needs as you wish in your email, and please leave a phone contact if you need to speak with someone. Thank you and we appreciate your interest in Guns of Brighton!
Return Policy
We are reasonable people and we will work with you if you have a problem. Please email us and let us know how we can help. We will be in touch back with you, we promise. Email best allows us to work with you and resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Thank you very much and we hope you enjoy your merchandise. Cheers!